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Tonomy Application Programming Interface (API)

The Tonomy API allow existing applications to login and interact with Tonomy identities. This is through a familiar Single Sign-On (SSO) flow like with oAuth 2.0 or OpenIdConnect.

See a full example Reactjs website with Tonomy ID login here:

Demo website

Login steps

Follow these steps to allow a Tonomy identity to log into your application.

  1. Register your app to be able to login with Tonomy ID
  2. Set the network
  3. /login page
  4. /callback page
  5. / page to check for logged in users

Examples below are for a Reactjs website.

1. Register your app

See Register a Tonomy App using the CLI.

2. Set the network

import { api } from '@tonomy/tonomy-id-sdk';

// Configure to use a specific network (in this case, the Tonomy demo network)
// Run this at the root of your app (e.g. App.tsx in Reactjs) so they are set before used
    ssoWebsiteOrigin: "",
    blockchainUrl: ""

3. Login page

On your login page add the "Login with Tonomy ID" button and set it to call the api when pressed. Set your /callback page path.

async function onButtonPress() {
    await api.ExternalUser.loginWithTonomy({ callbackPath: '/callback' });
<button className="tonomy-login-button" onClick={onButtonPress}>Login with Tonomy ID</button>

Styling the Tonomy login button

To use the Tonomy login button styles, import the stylesheet and use the class tonomy-login-button on your button.

import "@tonomy/tonomy-id-sdk/api/tonomy.css";


<link href="" />

4. Callback page

On your /callback page, call the API when the page renders. This will catch the login parameters from the URL and return a logged in user object.

// call this when the page loads
// e.g. in useEffect() in Reactjs
const user = await api.ExternalUser.verifyLoginRequest();

5. Home page

On your home page, check if the user is already logged in when you load the page.

import { api, SdkError, SdkErrors } from '@tonomy/tonomy-id-sdk';

// call this when the page loads
// e.g. in useEffect() in Reactjs
try {
    const user = await api.ExternalUser.getUser();
} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof SdkError) {
        switch (e.code) {
            case SdkErrors.AccountNotFound:
                // User has not logged in yet
            case SdkErrors.UserNotLoggedIn:
                // User logged in but key has expired. User needs to login again
                // unexpected error!

User object API

With a logged in user you can do the following

Get the anonymous account ID

const accountName = await user.getAccountName().toString();

Get the username

const username = await user.getUsername();
const shortUsername = username.getBaseUsername();

Get the DID

const accountName = await user.getDid();


Sign a blockchain transaction

Step 1. Modify your smart contract to accept signatures from users signed into your registered app (see Register your app)


#include <id.tonomy/id.tonomy.hpp>
token::transfer(const name &from,
                        const name &to,
                        const asset &quantity,
                        const string &memo)
    require_auth({to, idtonomy::id::get_app_permission_by_origin("")});
    // or
    require_auth({to, idtonomy::id::get_app_permission_by_username("")});

Step 2. Use the SDK to sign the transaction


const trx = await user.signTransaction('eosio.token', 'transfer', {
    from: "me",
    to: "you",
    quantity: '1 SYS',
    memo: 'test memo',

Sign a W3C verifiable credential

const vc = await user.signVc("", "NameAndDob", {
    name: "Joe Somebody",
    dob: new Date('1999-06-04')

const verifiedVc = await vc.verify();

Send a peer-to-peer message

const msg = new Message.signMessage(
    { foo: "bar" }
    await user.getIssuer(),
    await user.getWalletDid()
await user.sendMessage(msg);